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You can find them in the Modding Academy forum. I found the .NET reflector, used for changing or adding script in the apks. Then there's the Easy APK tool, for decompiling apks. I used the Notepad ++ for editing script too e.g .smali, .xml. Anyways the only thing I can do as of now was creating toast messages, dialogues and splash screen maybe. Well нажмите здесь. если вы хотите узнать больше.
Злоба Галаксиус
Злоба Галаксиус
I use game guardian. I find it easy modding games like changing currency values but I'm stuck in making scripts. It's really hardо_О Good for you to already know so much about it. Keep fighting(Y),
Am still cautious on using GG, since it's prolly going to mess up my phone so I stick with using .NET reflector for PC. Also you too! :ЛОЛ:
Злоба Галаксиус
Злоба Галаксиус
Thanks, maybe I'll use net reflector when i have a pc :ЛОЛ: Did you already mod any games?